Easter holds profound significance as the cornerstone of our Christian faith, commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion. Easter is a reminder of renewal, hope, and triumph over adversity. The resurrection is a powerful testament to the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and life over death. Easter is the powerful reminder of the hope we have in Christ, a hope that transcends fear, uncertainty, and even death itself. It is a celebration of Jesus' victory over the grave, proving that God's love and power are greater than anything we have or will ever face.
To follow Jesus is to truly SURRENDER CONTROL, just as He did in the Garden of Gethsemane when He prayed, "Not my will, but Thy will be done." In that moment, Jesus chose surrender over control, trusting the Father's plan even though it led to the cross. His obedience opened the door for our redemption, showing us that true peace is found not in grasping for control but in yielding to God's perfect will. When we choose to trust Him fully, we experience the same resurrection hope that Easter proclaims—the assurance that God's plans are always for our good and His glory. So this Easter, let's discover how Letting Go can actually build our faith and open our eyes to the beauty and wonder of our Risen Lord, Savior, and King! See you Easter Sunday - Pastor Jason